
If you want access to all sorts of fun things, join my Patreon! Get early access to pretty much everything. I have hundreds of different pathworkings, easy visionary rituals that require no sigils or ceremon. There are pathworkings for all the Olympic Spirits, and all the archangels including Samael. If you don’t want to buy my book, I still have the 72 Angels of the Name. For those interested in money magick, I have pathworkings for Clauneck, and Mammon. There’s even a ritual for Clauneck to tell you your true value. I’m working on the 72 Goetic Demons, such as Bime and Sitri, and more of them will be added every week. If you choose the Psychonaut tier you will gain access to the Shadowbinder Astral Temple, the very real dragon who has befriended the group, and be able to participate in a weekly ritual! With the new Energy Worker tier you will receive a different energy attunement every month. Energy modalities such as Reiki, Ashati, Karuna Ki, Imara, Seichim, Kundalini Reiki, and the Ascension system with more being added all the time. But most importantly you will be helping me be able to afford to spend the time to create more. More posts, more videos, more books.